Rewards Policy

Rewards Policy

Health Extension Rewards Members earn (1) point for every one dollar ($1) spent on Points are rounded down. For example, if you spend $19.99, you will receive 19 points. Calculations is as follows: $19.99 x 1 point per dollar = 19.99 points, which is rounded down to 19 points.

“Immune Boosting Ambassadors” Tier Member Points. All Immune Boosting Ambassadors Tier Members earn points based on a base earning rate that is 25% higher than the Like Tier Member's rate (i.e., 1.25 points for every one dollar spent on qualifying products or services, as described above).

Vitality Champions” Tier Member Points. All Vitality Champion Members earn points based on a base earning rate that is 50% higher than the Immune Boosting Ambassadors Tier Member's rate (i.e., 1.5 points for every one dollar spent on qualifying products or services, as described above).

Redeeming rewards

Reward points cannot be used on subscriptions, stacked on discounts, or used by our partners.

To see more info about Rewards Points. Please visit our page here